Genocide and The Thangsgiving Myth

▲EDUCATE! HUMAN RIGHTS, INDIGENOUS RIGHTS, RACISM, WARS AND MILITARISM ▲Columbus feeds dogs with Native Peoples. The Defining and Enabling Experience of Our “Civilization” As we again plan to celebrate what US “Americans” call Thanksgiving, let…

Korea and the “Axis of Evil”

[Global Research Editor’s note: This article by Vietnam War Veteran, author and peace activist Brian Willson was first published by Global Research in 2002. It outlines, what most people in America do not know  and…

Genocide and America's Thanksgiving Myth

The Defining and Enabling Experience of Our “Civilization”

As we again plan to celebrate what US “Americans”call Thanksgiving, let us pause for a moment of reflection. Let us recognize that accounts of the first Thanksgiving are mythological, and that the holiday is actually a grotesque celebration of our arrogant ethnocentrism built on genocide. Native Americans in the Caribbean greeted their 1492 European invaders with warm hospitality. They were so innocent that Genoan Cristoforo Colombo wrote in his log, They willingly traded everything they owned . . . They do not bear arms . . . They would make fine servants . . . They could easily be made Christians . . . With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want. This meeting set in motion a 500+-year plunder of the Western Hemisphere, which then spread to the remainder of the globe. And it has not stopped!