YUGOSLAVIA VERSUS LIBYA: NATO’s War of Aggression against Yugoslavia

The bombing of a sovereign country, is being carried out by the so-called “international community” to “save the lives of civilians” under the new logo of “Responsibility to Protect” (R2P), pursuant to UN Security Council resolution 1973.

Libya 2011: The realties are otherwise: civilians are the unspoken victims of US-NATO bombings. A Blitzkrieg is being carried out against an entire population.

Chossudovsky: All Out War on Libya, Surge in the Price of Crude Oil…

A “humanitarian war” would be “good for business”. It serves the interests of the institutional speculators, it contributes to a further process of appropriation of money wealth.

Financial institutions which had prior knowledge or intelligence of events in Egypt and Libya have already made billions of dollars in speculative gains in the futures and options markets for crude oil.

“Operation Libya” and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa

The mainstream media through massive disinformation is complicit in justifying a military agenda which, if carried out, would have devastating consequences not only for the Libyan people: the social and economic impacts would be felt Worldwide. Public opinion must take cognizance of the hidden agenda behind this alleged humanitarian undertaking, heralded by the heads of state and heads of government of NATO countries as a “Just War”.