The Privatization of Nuclear War

GRTV Report Produced by James Corbett, Featuring Michel Chossuodvsky With tensions growing in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, a new generation of nuclear weapons technology is making nuclear warfare a very real prospect. And…

The War on Yemen, America’s Plan to USE Nuclear Weapons against the ME

Unconfirmed reports based on a video release dated May 20, 2015 point to a massive and unprecedented bomb explosion in Yemen. The reports suggest without corroborating evidence that the explosion could have been the result of a nuclear strike, using a tactical nuclear weapon. There is no evidence to that effect. Whatever the nature of this explosion, it constitutes a crime against humanity. While there is no concrete evidence that the US led alliance has used nukes against Yemen, the broader issue of nuclear war against the Middle East is, nonetheless, of utmost relevance.

War Propaganda: “Planting Stories” in the News Chain

Author’s Note This article was first published in January 2003, two months before the invasion of Iraq. It was subsequently integrated into my book entitled America’s “War on Terrorism”, Global Research 2005.  The buzzwords of media…