Miyazaki Challenge Abe: “Leave Constitution Alone!”

Anime master Hayao Miyazaki blasted the government’s push to revise the Constitution, saying that politicians without any understanding of history “shouldn’t be messing” with the foundation of the country. In a magazine published last week…

Japan’s Rapid Remilitarization Continues with Habitual Lies & Denials

  Japan’s new warship draws fire   Japan unveils biggest warship since World …   Japan’s biggest warship was unveiled on Tuesday, raising grave concerns about the country’s military buildup as observers said the vessel is actually an aircraft…

What National Interest? WHO Controls America? And FOR WHOSE INTEREST?

Part I – National Interest or Lobby Interest? President Obama and his congressional colleagues are carrying on an established, yet clearly dangerous, tradition of U.S. foreign policy — the mixing up of national interest and the parochial interests of powerful lobby groups. Indeed, given the way U.S. federal politics has long operated, national interest is, except in rare cases, an impossible notion. This is because almost all politicians and both political parties are so tied to, and financially dependent upon, powerful lobby groups that they cannot formulate independent positions on issues important to these lobbies.

Obama’s «Asia Pivot»: The Himalayan Angle

The Obama administration’s «Asia Pivot» is playing out in earnest in joint U.S.-Indian-Israeli intelligence operations in the Himalayan region. The actions by the three cooperative nations’ intelligence agencies are aimed at limiting Chinese influence here….

Settlers’ Skyscrapers

let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven—Genesis 11:4 “It is Rothschild’s fault!” “No! It is Rockefeller’s fault!” “Never! It is Raytheon’s fault!”   Meier on Rothschild Tower…

Bin Laden’s Insights and Egyptian Coup

This is the sort of post that makes people mad, but in light of what’s happening in Egypt it’s necessary to talk about bin Laden. Most people who hate bin Laden have never read his…


The right-wing government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took a further step towards rearmament and the revival of Japanese militarism with the release of a Defence Ministry report last week that for the first time proposed that Japan acquire offensive strike capabilities. Since winning office last December, Abe has moved rapidly to implement his platform of building “a strong Japan” with “a strong military”. His Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) government has expanded defence spending for the first time in a decade and has continued to fuel tensions with China over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islets in the East China Sea. A defence white paper released last month for the first time focussed on China, rather than North Korea, as the main “threat”.