US Prepares Military Assault on Syria

US officials have outlined a series of options that are being considered for a direct assault by American and allied military forces against Syria, using Wednesday’s alleged chemical weapons attack as the pretext. The stepped-up…

A Media Deception: The US “Backed Plan to LAUNCH Chemical Weapon Attack on Syria and BLAME It On Assad’s Regime”

The Syria ‘Chemical Weapons’ Media Hype: Pushing for Military Intervention Yesterday’s report of an alleged ‘chemical weapon’ attack near Damascus has prompted the US and UK media machines to spin into overdrive in the push for a military intervention and regime change in Syria. Washington’s official response is predictable by now: “The White House is ‘deeply concerned’ about reports that chemical weapons were used by Syria’s government against civilians”. In the UK, the mainstream media has put on a full-court press, clearly delivering a guilty verdict even before any claims can be independently verified, a coordinated trial-by-media which looks to be designed to coax a majority public support for either a direct supply of arms to the confab of ‘rebel’ insurgencies in Syria.

The Crises in Syria, Lebanon and Egypt: PLAN to ‘Divide & Conquer’ The Middle East and Why All Roads Lead to Tehran

Western media has accused the Syrian government of launching a chemical attack in an area east of Damascus that killed hundreds of civilians. It is the same accusations they had on Saddam Hussein who allegedly ordered a chemical attack in the town of Halabja in Southern Kurdistan, a Kurdish territory killing more than 3000 people and more than 7000 injured. U.S President George H.W. Bush used the incident to justify an invasion when he said “The dictator who is assembling the world’s most dangerous weapons has already used them on whole villages, leaving thousands of his own citizens dead, blind or disfigured.” Many doubts surfaced including a former Central Intelligence Agency senior political analyst and professor at the Army War College, Stephen C. Pelletiere who wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times in 2003 called ‘A War Crime or an Act of War?, he said: