Beijingers name public order concerns

Illegal taxis, people passing out advertising fliers, pickpockets and drunken drivers top the list of Beijing residents’ public order concerns, according to a survey by the city’s police. Bike thieves, street beggars, nuisance dogs and…

Health risks posed by rice additives

An expert has stated that newly published regulations allow for dangerous antiseptics to be used in rice production, that could be harmful to human health, the Beijing News reported Friday. The new Standards for the…

Yangtze River levels hit historic lows in some areas

According to the data from the Yangtze River Hydrometric Station, the water levels of the Yangtze River have declined abnormally during the main flood period. Some hydrometric stations on the middle and lower reaches saw…

Dalai’s retirement to have little impact on Tibet

A top official from Tibet regional government said yesterday that the Dalai Lama’s retirement will have a very limited impact on Tibet, and the official ruled out any talks with the Dalai’s “government-in-exile” in northern…

Nuclear power, yes or no?

After the earthquake and tsunami on March 11 triggered the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis in Japan, nuclear energy has once more come under the spotlight after a period of rehabilitation. China’s current energy system is…

Volunteer lawyers helping abused children

8,900 trained professionals volunteer time to protect kids BEIJING – China has formed the world’s largest network of volunteer lawyers in a bid to protect minors’ rights. The network, which now has 8,900 lawyers on…

Tibet moves ahead with the nation

On May 23, 1951, the central people’s government and the former local government of Tibet signed the Agreement on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet, also known as the 17-Article Agreement, bringing about the…

Summit boosts efforts to ensure nuke safety

Beijing and Seoul also made a commitment to support Tokyo’s massive reconstruction plan following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. In a joint declaration issued after the summit the leaders of the three East Asian…

China food choices reshaping world markets

Beijing — For a sense of how this country’s changing demand for food is reshaping world markets, Liu Shuwen’s journey from street chicken vendor to poultry industrialist is a good start.   There are the…