Human Rights in Ancient China

The biggest hindrance of the West and the rest of the world in understanding China is the perceived lack of human rights tradition in China. China is an old civilization and a civilization cannot continue…

Greek Lessons: Democracy versus Debt-Bondage

It is a truism to say that democracy began with the Greeks – less so to say that it originated in popular rebellion against debt and debt-bondage. Yet, with the Greek people ensnared once more…

The ICC debate: A pan-African perspective

“An international cabal of pan-African and global imperialist interests are combining forces to destabilise Africa”  Once again, the spotlight is on Africa as four Kenyans – three political leaders and a journalist – have been…

THE ROVING EYE: US wants SWIFT war on Iran

What was the parade of European poodles thinking – that Tehran would just roll over and absorb the European Union’s oil embargo, scheduled to start on July 1?  No wonder Brussels was caught as a…

VIDEO: UN flagships ‘humanitarian’ resolution to Syria conflict

[anyplayer:url=] The UN Security Council has urged Russia and China not to veto a new resolution on Syria amid reports that the death toll in the conflict has topped 7,500. Meanwhile, anti-regime rhetoric has intensified…

BRICS prepares world banking revolution

BRICS member-states are preparing a world banking revolution. They are planning to nominate an alternative candidate for the post of the Chairman of the World Bank for the first time in history. BRICS also demands…

BRICS flame continues to shine

Just as the fizz seems to be going out of the BRICS grouping, the member countries have scrambled to put their act together. Apropos the crisis in Syria, which is arguably, the “hottest” issue in…

China And Russia Slam West Over Syria

Qiu Yongzheng in Damascus and Wang Zhaokun in Beijing China and Russia yesterday rejected US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s criticism of their stand on Syria, as the European Union (EU) nations agreed to slap…

Iran Moves Further To End Petrodollar, Announces Will Accept Payment In Gold Instead Of US Dollars

Much has been spun in recent weeks to indicate that as a result of collapsing trade, Iran’s economy is in shambles and that the financial embargo hoisted upon the country by the insolvent, pardon, developed world is working. We had a totally different perspective on things “A Very Different Take On The “Iran Barters Gold For Food” Story” in which we essentially said that Iran, with the complicity of major trading partners like China, India and Russia is preparing to phase out the petrodollar: a move which would be impossible if key bilateral trade partners would not agree to it.