The Jewish-Zionist Power in the World’s Economy, Media, Military, Politics, ….

The case against the Zionist Power Configuration is based on the open record of publications, speeches, articles, interviews and sources available to the general public (and any interested reader). Many facts and data are drawn from Zionist and Israeli sources as well as mainstream publications and writings by critical journalists and analysts.1 We do not privilege the statements by Jews, whether they are critics or supporters of the State of Israel, as most “progressive” writers do. The pursuit of truth is not an “ethnic science”, an approach that smacks of Nazi and Zionist racial theories. Indeed, nothing reveals the extreme Zionist power or cultural hegemony over the debate on Israel and American Zionism so much as the constant reliance, reference and citation of the “Jewish” authorship of critical articles, even when publications by non-Jews are better documented, of earlier publication, and better argued.

The US Record on Human Rights: CIA Project MK-ULTRA

Mind Control, Brainwashing and Torture Experiments  The United States government funded and performed numerous psychological experiments, especially during the Cold War era, to help develop more effective torture and interrogation techniques for the U.S. military…

A BREAKING NEWS: Another False Flag Will ISRAEL BLOW UP Something and FALSELY BLAME It on IRAN AGAIN?!!!

According to U.S. officials, Israel is training and supporting Iranian terrorists who are trying to topple the Iranian government. Those Israeli-funded terrorists have faked documents to falsely indicate that Iran is building a nuclear bomb. 1 Israel has admitted to previous use of false flag attacks to justify war against Middle Eastern nations. For example, Israel admits that an Israeli terrorist cell operating in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including U.S. diplomatic facilities, then left behind “evidence” implicating the Arabs as the culprits (one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to identify the bombers, and several of the Israelis later confessed) (and see this and this).