The Syrian “Moderate” Rebels & Islamic State Jihadists “Make Peace”: Now What

Well, Well, Well, what do we have here? According to a new report by Agence-France Presse (AFP) “Syrian rebels and jihadists from the Islamic State have agreed a non-aggression pact for the first time in a suburb of the capital Damascus, a monitoring group said on Friday.” What will the Obama administration do now? Originally President Obama said in a televised speech that he will support “military assistance to the Syrian opposition.” Here is what he said: Across the border, in Syria, we have ramped up our military assistance to the Syrian opposition. Tonight, I again call on Congress to give us additional authorities and resources to train and equip these fighters. In the fight against ISIL, we cannot rely on an Assad regime that terrorizes its people; a regime that will never regain the legitimacy it has lost. Instead, we must strengthen the opposition as the best counterweight to extremists like ISIL, while pursuing the political solution necessary to solve Syria’s crisis once and for all.

Examiner: If Putin Shut off Oil to Europe It Would END Ukrainian Crisis Instantly

On Sept. 12, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was a guest on King World News to talk about the state of the U.S. economy, and geo-political events that are occurring between America, Russia, and Europe in regards to the ongoing Ukrainian civil war. During his 17 minute interview, Dr. Roberts addressed the financial war that being waged between the two superpowers that is threatening to tear apart Europe and bring most of the world into an all out global conflict. And after a week where the world saw the Eurozone backtrack on their plans to sanction Russian oil companies opposite to U.S. demands, Dr. Roberts stated outright that Europe has no choice but to reject increased pressures on Russia’s primary energy industry because they know that if Putin were to shut off oil and natural gas to Europe in retaliation for further sanctions, then the entire Ukrainian crisis would end in an instant as Europe would capitulate to Russia and completely alienate the U.S.

Obama Threatens War on Humanity

Permanent war is official US policy. Obama is the latest in a long line of rogue warrior presidents. He’s waged multiple direct and proxy wars. He’s done so throughout his tenure. He has lots more…

MH17: An Internationally Sanctioned Cover-Up Orchestrated by US and UK

The downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH 17 is a heinous crime – a crime of deliberate mass murder. Most, if not all global mass media as well as the Alternate media expressed similar sentiments and demanded that the perpetrators be brought to justice. Six weeks have passed since July 17, 2014 when the dastardly crime was committed and we are no nearer from the truth in so far as official pronouncements are concerned. In fact, lies and propaganda were intensified to mislead and divert public attention from the glaring irrefutable fact that the US and UK are ultimately responsible for the mass murder. This, we will show in due course below. First, we must expose the elaborate cover-up starting with the release of the Preliminary Report in Malaysia on the 10th of September, 2014. Why do I say that there is an internationally sanctioned cover-up? Let’s recap what the world leaders, with blood on their hands had to say on the 18th July, 2014. This is how The Independent (a UK newspaper) reported and we quote:

The US and Global Wars: Empire or Vampire?

To the growing army of critics of US military intervention, who also reject the mendacious claims by American officials and their apologists of ‘world leadership’, Washington is engaged in ‘empire-building”. But the notion that the…