Soros, CIA Suffer Huge Defeat in Brazil

The Central Intelligence Agency and its George Soros-funded «democracy manipulators» in Brazil suffered a major defeat with the re-election as president of Brazil of Workers’ Party standard bearer and ex-Marxist guerrilla Dilma Rouseff. In the hours prior to Rousseff’s handy re-election, the corporate Western media was still reporting that the election was «too close to call» even as exit polling indicated that Rousseff would trounce her CIA- and Soros-backed conservative opponent Aecio Neves by at least 2 percentage points. The New York Times, Globe and Mail, Reuters, and other corporate media outlets were obviously disappointed by Rousseff’s victory, with many of these pro-Wall Street contrivances that masquerade as journalistic enterprises referring to Neves as a «centrist» who «narrowly» lost to Rousseff.

Secret Island Ebola Death Camps in Puerto Rico

Secret Island Ebola Death Camps For Ebola Infected US Military To Be Quarantined In Puerto Rico? Emergency VA Hospital HVAC Contract   According to potrblog in the video below, the “Veterans Administration hospital in San…