Another US War Crime in the Making in SYRIA: RUSSIA and CHINA Have Been Extremely Careless in Dealings with US

Washington and its British and French puppet governments are poised to yet again reveal their criminality. The image of the West as War Criminal is not a propaganda image created by the West’s enemies, but the portrait that the West has painted of itself. The UK Independent reports that over this past week-end Obama, Cameron, and Hollande agreed to launch cruise missile attacks against the Syrian government within two weeks despite the lack of any authorization from the UN and despite the absence of any evidence in behalf of Washington’s claim that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons against the Washington-backed “rebels”, largely US supported external forces, seeking to overthrow the Syrian government.

New York Times Bolster Kerry’s Baseless Claim That the Syrian Government Used Chemical Weapons on Their Own People

New York Times Puts Launch Point of Chem Weapons Rockets Inside Rebel Contested Area The New York Times is attempting to bolster John Kerry’s baseless claim that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on their own people and in doing so, they seem to have provided some hard evidence to the contrary. Combine that with recent images and video of the FSA “rebels” making and using 120mm mortar rounds in Syria and you have compelling evidence that if chemical weapons were used in Syria, then it was the US backed “rebels” who did it and not the Assad regime. Means, motive and opportunity. The basic tenets of any investigation.

Some Filthy Facts about the Rich

The 400 richest Americans made $200 billion in just one year. That’s equivalent to the combined total of the federal food stamp, education, and housing budgets. First of all, who are they? Mostly the 1%….