A New Kind of War Is Being Legalized

There’s a dark side to the flurry of reports and testimony on drones, helpful as they are in many ways.  When we read that Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch oppose drone strikes that violate…

Beijing’s Race to Diversify out of US Treasuries

Beijing’s Race to Diversify out of US Treasuries: New Agreements would Allow Singapore to become “Leading Offshore Trading Centre” for the Chinese Yuan         China is accelerating the role of the Chinese…

After the US Default Showdown: More Bad News

Global Research News Hour Episode 41 Backing away from the Precipice The American public, and much of the world were treated to a dramatic showdown as elected representatives on Capitol Hill sparred over how money…

Towards a World without United States

In these columns, Thierry Meyssan has often explained the internal contradictions of the United States in order to emphasize the manner in which they would break up. In this article, he ponders the impact of…

No Matter What Happens to US Economy WAR as BUSiness Continues Everywhere

There is a new normal in America: our government may shut down, but our wars continue. Congress may not be able to pass a budget, but the U.S. military can still launch commando raids in Libya and Somalia, the Afghan War can still be prosecuted, Italy can be garrisoned by American troops (putting the “empire” back in Rome), Africa can be used as an imperial playground (as in the late nineteenth century “scramble for Africa,” but with the U.S. and China doing the scrambling this time around), and the military-industrial complex can still dominate the world’s arms trade.