US in favor of Russian Intervention in Syria

 US Position on Syria Tilts in Favor of Russian Intervention The major developments on the Syrian battlefield in recent months have brought a corresponding shift in the Obama administration’s Syrian policy. Since the Russian military…

Does Erdogan Want War With Russia?

Week Seventeen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: And how will Russia react if he triggers it The situation with Turkey is rapidly getting out of control: not only have the Turks conducted artillery strikes…

US / Vassals Risking World War III in Syria

After Saudi-backed Syrian rebels balked at peace talks and the Russian-backed Syrian army cut off Turkish supply lines to jihadists and other Syrian rebels, the U.S. and its Mideast Sunni “allies” appear poised to invade…

Destroy Syria… Get Others to Pay

Citizens of the world are being asked to dig deep for humanitarian aid to Syria. After five years of war and millions displaced there is an urgent need for the world to lend a hand,…

Privatization : Atlanticist Strategy to Attack Russia, to Undercut Economic Sovereignty

NOTE: Readers are asking to know who, in addition to the Western-financed NGOs, are the Fifth Columnists inside Russia. Michael Hudson and I left the description general as Atlanticist Integrationists and neoliberal economists. The Saker provides some specific names. Among the Fifth Columnists are the Russian Prime Minister, head of the Central Bank, and the two top economics ministers. They are springing a privatization trap on Putin that could undo all of his accomplishments and deliver Russia to Western control. Two years ago, Russian officials discussed plans to privatize a group of national enterprises headed by the oil producer Rosneft, the VTB Bank, Aeroflot, and Russian Railways. The stated objective was to streamline management of these companies, and also to induce oligarchs to begin bringing their two decades of capital flight back to invest in the Russia economy. Foreign participation was sought in cases where Western technology transfer and management techniques would be likely to help the economy.


The war against the dollar continues Reuters has reported that Iran is requesting euros for all new and outstanding oil payments. Another nail in the dollar’s coffin: A source at state-owned National Iranian Oil Co…