WHO OWNS Federal Reserve Bank and Why is It Shrouded in Myths, Mysteries

“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” — Henry Ford “Give me control of a Nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.”
— M. A. Rothschild The Federal Reserve Bank (or simply the Fed), is shrouded in a number of myths and mysteries. These include its name, its ownership, its purported independence from external influences, and its presumed commitment to market stability, economic growth and public interest. The first MAJOR MYTH, accepted by most people in and outside of the United States, is that the Fed is owned by the Federal government, as implied by its name: the Federal Reserve Bank

China Carefully Moving to Displace Dollar

While Washington seems obsessed with trying to humiliate China’s President Xi Jinping and make him lose face, sending warships into Chinese territorial waters in the South China Sea just days after Obama’s White House meeting…

The US-made “Unmanageable Chaos”: Global Financial Order Could Collapse

Global Financial Order Could Utterly Collapse on Dec. 21 The money masters have been forced to defend the weakening dollar using proven tools – the creation of chaos outside America’s borders. Any kind of chaos will work – political, military, economic, or financial. The world is entering a chaotic phase. There have been recent claims that the US has begun to create «manageable chaos» globally. But events in the Middle East have dispelled the illusion that the instigator of this chaos is capable of managing it. And that unmanageable chaos may very soon overtake the world of international finance. The US is once again guilty of having ushered in unmanageable financial chaos, and Ukraine’s $3 billion debt to Russia will serve to detonate the process. It is no coincidence that problems are mounting around that debt. Washington is deliberately exploiting the debt to try to inflict damage on Russia. The final destruction of the global financial order that was established during the international conference at Bretton Woods in 1944 could end up as collateral damage of the anti-Russian policy.

Jewish Banksters Identity Politics

Any discussion on the Federal Reserve inevitably will revert into the role of Jewish Bankers in the failures of the central bank. Resistance from the current Jackals of Jekyll Island prevents a Federal Reserve audit….

Global De-dollarization & the US Policies

[Editor’s note: This article was originally posted in February of 2015. However, we believe this article still a very much timely, credible, and factually objective article to this very day of the 21st century. For…

Russia’s Dollar Exit Takes Major New Step

For some time both China and the Russian Federation have understood, as do other nations, that the role of the US dollar as the world’s major reserve currency is their economic Achilles Heel. So long as Washington and Wall Street control the dollar, and so long as the bulk of world trade requires dollars for settlement, central banks like those of Russia and China are forced to stockpile dollars in thge form of “safe” US Treasury debt, as currency reserves to protect their economies from the kind of currency war Russia experienced in late 2014 when the aptly-named US Treasury Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence and Wall Street dumped rubles amid a US-Saudi deal to collapse world oil prices. Now Russia and China are quietly heading for the dollar exit door.

Turkey Tries to Lure NATO Into War Against Russia

When Turkey shot down a Russian bomber in Syria on November 24th, Turkish officials did so with the confidence that America’s anti-Russian military alliance, NATO, would protect Turkey against any possible military retaliation by Russia….

Big Oil, TTIP and the Scramble for Europe

If sanctioned, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) would be the biggest trade deal ever seen. Yet the public continue to be kept in the dark about it. Large corporations have been granted privileged…