Top CIA Objective: Fracture Eurasian Bloc

Presidential Candidate Donald Trump is known for being very crass and rude. However, he also has a way of openly stating what other billionaires are thinking, but are afraid to say out loud. In one of his earliest interviews, Trump stated a concern that is probably on the mind of many foreign policy analysts. He said: “You can’t have everybody hating you. The whole world hates us. One of the things that I heard for years and years, never drive Russia and China together, and Obama has done that.” It’s not only Donald Trump who has this concern. The Council on Foreign Relations, a Wall Street think tank that can otherwise be described as the CIA’s brain, has become obsessed with the issue. The latest issues of the CFR’s publication, Foreign Affairs, speak of the China-Russia alliance at length.

London Mayor’s Remark On Obama Signals SAD ENDING TO AMERICAN UNIPOLARITY

Boris Johnson’s ‘part-Kenyan’ portrait of President Obama [Note 1] may be forgotten soon but, as a widely anticipated successor to David Cameron as the next British prime minister, his slamming rejection to a friendly advice from Washington on ‘Brexit’ (withdrawal from the EU) has delivered a heavy-weight message to the world that the United States’ hegemony is about to end. In his book “Hegemony” which was awarded the Outstanding Academic Title 2005, Prof. John Agnew suggests that hegemony is not merely the capability of possessing unmatched military, economic and political power, but the “enrolment of others in the exercise of your power by convincing, cajoling, and coercing them that they should want what you want (Agnew 2005: p1-2).

When Media Shill For Saudi Money

A timely Washington Post piece looks at how the Saudis bribe left, right and center: Saudi government has vast network of PR, lobby firms in U.S. The Saudi government and its affiliates have spent millions…

Fukushima Nuclear Plant Hit with 5.8 Earthquake

The nuclear power plant at Fukushima Japan, previously destroyed in 2011 by an earthquake and Tsunami, has been hit with a Magnitude 5.6 earthquake at 8:19 AM eastern US time, on April 20, 2016  According…