Fukushima Nuclear Plant Hit with 5.8 Earthquake

The nuclear power plant at Fukushima Japan, previously destroyed in 2011 by an earthquake and Tsunami, has been hit with a Magnitude 5.6 earthquake at 8:19 AM eastern US time, on April 20, 2016  According…

Deutsche Bank Turns on the Gold-fix Cartel

Deutsche Bank, Germany’s once-respected giant bank, has admitted being a party–together with a cartel of major Wall Street and select other international banks–in deliberately manipulating the price of gold over a period of years. As…

Crucifixion of North Korea, Demonization of DPRK: UN Security Council Resolution 2270

“The UN which was created to prevent the scourge of war, has become an instrument of war”. Ramsey Clark, Former U.S. Attorney General, Re: United Nations Security Council Resolution 678: One of the most infamous and provocative resolutions adopted in the history of the United Nations Security Council is Resolution 2270, adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter on March 2, 2016. The unconscionable cruelty of this resolution literally taunts and baits the DPRK to react, as the resoslution strangles the economy of the DPRK, inevitably causing intolerable suffering to the people of that bullied nation. The demonization of North Korea is based on the grossest of double standards, and fraudulent testimony by defectors from the DPRK who were paid large sums of money to provide sensational and gruesome descriptions of human rights abuses in the DPRK, testimony both lurid and lucrative, and which was later proven to be false, and withdrawn by these same defectors who had so blatantly lied. This has been documented by The New York Times and the The Guardian of Britain.