USA’s DEPLORABLE HUMAN RIGHTS Record: FAR and AWAY, the AMERICA’s Human Rights Record the World’s Worst

Far and away, America’s human rights record is the world’s worst. No other nation approaches its unprincipled history. Earlier crimes against humanity were largely internal and regional. Twentieth century ones went global. New millennium ones elevated atrocities and other human rights abuses to an unprecedented level. It keeps rising. America is guilty of virtually every crime imaginable and then some. Former dovish US diplomat, advisor, and father of Soviet containment George Kennan explained what reflects America’s post-WW II foreign and domestic policy. His February 1948 “Memo PPS23” said:

How U.S. Helping to Kill PEACE in Syria

As President Obama confirmed in an interview with the Atlantic [3] on March 2, 2012, one of the strategic goals of U.S. policy in Syria has been to weaken and isolate Iran by removing or helping to remove its strongest Arab ally. Asked what the U.S. could do to accelerate the removal of President Assad, Obama replied, laughing, “Well, nothing that I can tell you, because your classified clearance isn’t good enough.” In practice, as President Obama implied, the U.S. government has played a “disguised, quiet, media-free” [4] but nonetheless significant role in the escalation of violence in Syria. As early as last December, even as a Qatari-funded YouGov opinion poll found that 55% of Syrians still supported President Assad [5], former CIA officer Philip Giraldi reported [6] that unmarked NATO planes were delivering weapons and militiamen from Libya to Turkish air-bases near the Free Syrian Army (FSA) headquarters in Iskanderum.

Culture of Violence and Torture in the U.S.

    During the last few days, events have unfolded in connection with the establishment of new evidence of unlawful activities against the so-called «opposition» in Russia (1), which have caused a furious reaction from…