Soros, CIA Suffer Huge Defeat in Brazil

The Central Intelligence Agency and its George Soros-funded «democracy manipulators» in Brazil suffered a major defeat with the re-election as president of Brazil of Workers’ Party standard bearer and ex-Marxist guerrilla Dilma Rouseff. In the hours prior to Rousseff’s handy re-election, the corporate Western media was still reporting that the election was «too close to call» even as exit polling indicated that Rousseff would trounce her CIA- and Soros-backed conservative opponent Aecio Neves by at least 2 percentage points. The New York Times, Globe and Mail, Reuters, and other corporate media outlets were obviously disappointed by Rousseff’s victory, with many of these pro-Wall Street contrivances that masquerade as journalistic enterprises referring to Neves as a «centrist» who «narrowly» lost to Rousseff.

Hong Kong Protests Are ‘Made in USA’

The Washington neo-cons and their allies in the US State Department and Obama Administration are clearly furious with China, as they are with Russia’s Vladimir Putin. As both Russia and China in recent years have become more assertive about defining their national interests, and as both Eurasian powers draw into a closer cooperation on all strategic levels, Washington has decided to unleash havoc against Beijing, as it has unleashed the Ukraine dis-order against Russia and Russian links to the EU. The flurry of recent deals binding Beijing and Moscow more closely—the $400 billion gas pipeline, the BRICS infrastructure bank, trade in rubles and renminbi by-passing the US dollar—has triggered Washington’s response. It’s called the Hong Kong ‘Umbrella Revolution’ in the popular media.

Putin: US, West For Destabilizing World

Vladimir Putin lashed out at the United States and the West for destabilizing the world order of checks and balances for its own gains. He also accused the West of inflaming the situation in Ukraine and said Russia is not interested in building an empire. The Russian President delivered a fierce broadside aimed at the United States in a speech for the Valdai Club in Sochi, which is an informal group of scholars. He hit out at Washington for behaving without regard to the rest of the world’s interests “The system of international relations needed some changes, but the USA, who believe they were the winners of the Cold War, have not seen the need for this.” He added that the US has been trying to create the world “for their own gains.” The Russian President added that because of this, regional and global security had been weakened.

The Large Families That Rule The World

The Large Families that rule the world. 45641.jpegSome people have started realizing that there are large financial groups that dominate the world. Forget the political intrigues, conflicts, revolutions and wars. It is not pure chance. Everything has been planned for a long time. Some call it “conspiracy theories” or New World Order. Anyway, the key to understanding the current political and economic events is a restricted core of families who have accumulated more wealth and power. We are speaking of 6, 8 or maybe 12 families who truly dominate the world. Know that it is a mystery difficult to unravel. We will not be far from the truth by citing Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Loebs Kuh and Lehmans in New York, the Rothschilds of Paris and London, the Warburgs of Hamburg, Paris and Lazards Israel Moses Seifs Rome.

How to Start a War and Lose an Empire

A year and a half I wrote an essay on how the US chooses to view Russia, titled The Image of the Enemy. I was living in Russia at the time, and, after observing the American anti-Russian rhetoric and the Russian reaction to it, I made some observations that seemed important at the time. It turns out that I managed to spot an important trend, but given the quick pace of developments since then, these observations are now woefully out of date, and so here is an update. At that time the stakes weren’t very high yet. There was much noise around a fellow named Magnitsky, a corporate lawyer-crook who got caught and died in pretrial custody. He had been holding items for some bigger Western crooks, who were, of course, never apprehended. The Americans chose to treat this as a human rights violation and responded with the so-called “Magnitsky Act” which sanctioned certain Russian individuals who were labeled as human rights violators.

The US Bio-warfare Laboratories in West Africa Are the ORIGIN of Ebola Epidemic

Could Ebola Have Escaped From US Bio-warfare Labs? American law professor Francis A. Boyle, answers questions for and reveals that USA have been using West Africa as an offshore to circumvent the Convention on Biological Weapons and do bio-warfare work. Is Ebola just a result of health crisis in Africa – because of the large gaps in personnel, equipment and medicines – as some experts suggest? That isn’t true at all. This is just propaganda being put out by everyone. It seems to me, that what we are dealing with here is a biological warfare work that was conducted at the bio-warfare laboratories set up by the USA on the west coast of Africa. And if you look at a map produced by the Center of Disease Control you can see where these laboratories are located. And they are across the heart of Ebola epidemic, at the west coast of Africa. So, I think these laboratories, one or more of them, are the origins of the Ebola epidemic.

U.S. Responsible for the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa: Liberian Scientist Claims

A History of Guatemala’s Syphilis Experiment: How a U.S. Led Team Performed Human Experimentations in Central America Dr. Cyril Broderick, A Liberian scientist and a former professor of Plant Pathology at the University of Liberia’s College of Agriculture and Forestry says the West, particularly the U.S. is responsible for the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Dr. Broderick claims the following in an exclusive article published in the Daily Observer based in Monrovia, Liberia. He wrote the following: The US Department of Defense (DoD) is funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone. The reports continue and state that the DoD gave a contract worth $140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research. This research work involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly Ebola virus. Hence, the DoD is listed as a collaborator in a “First in Human” Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715, which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in March.

Banned from US Banks, the Gazprom Turns To Even Bigger Banks In China

Putin: ”The U.S. and European Union are shooting their own companies in the foot.” Russian state owned oil company Gazprom is turning to China for foreign sources of capital now that the U.S. and European financial markets are closed to them. Gazprom said in a press release posted on its website today that it was in talks with the behemoth Industrial and Commercial Bank of China for funding. The statement did not say whether funding would be provided, however. This has been quite the week for China-Russia relations. Li Keqiang was in Russia earlier this week to discuss deeper economic integration. Energyremains front and center. But integration is occurring beyond oil and gas deals. For instance, the Bank of Russia announced a deal with the Moscow Exchange to trade currencies and create forex derivatives contracts between the two markets.

Global War against Russia: China Attacks Australian Coal, While Favors Russian's

Global War against Russia Takes New Turn: China Attacks Australian Coal, Favors Russian Coal Last Thursday the government in Beijing struck a new blow against the domination of global commodity markets by countries allied with the US in the sanctions war against Russia. The measure announced is a 3% to 6% tariff to be imposed on coal imports to China, commencing on October 15. Australia, the largest supplier of coal to China, will take the largest hit in its trade. Indonesia, the second largest coal supplier to China, will be exempt as a member of the free trade zone between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Russia and South Africa, the next largest coal exporters to China, are allied with China in the BRICS geopolitical group: they are to benefit, too. Russian officials and industry sources confirm that negotiations on tariff relief are underway in Moscow this week as Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev met his counterpart, Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang.

Bought Journalists: Taught HOW To LIE, to Betray & Not to Tell the Truth to Public

Exclusive Interview with the Author of ‘Bought Journalists’: How He was “Taught to Lie, to Betray and NOT to Tell the Truth to the Public” Bought journalists: Udo Ulfkotte: “I am the first to accuse myself and to proof many others are to blame.” German journalist Udo Ulfkotte reveals in his bestseller ‘Bought Journalists’, how he was “taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.” The former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which is one of Germany’s largest newspapers, was secretly on the payroll of the CIA and the Bundesnachrichtendienst (German secret service), spinning the news in a way that was positive for the United States and bad for its enemies. According to Ulfkotte the corruption is widely spread in the Western media. Some media are just propaganda outlets of political parties, secret services and high finance entities. ‘Bought journalists’, who are they?