America’s Fiscal Collapse

 Listen to Michel Chossudovsky’s interview on Bonnie Faulkner’s Guns and Butter, Pacifica (KPFA):  AUDIO “America’s Fiscal Collapse – Obama’s Budget Will Impoverish America” March 2009    “We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States…

The US Dictatorship and its White House Servant ‘President’

The even sadder part is that as Obama’s ineffectual election shows, the US (and its Western lackeys) is being driven further and further into bankrupting, criminal wars of aggression that will cause more victims of violence and social mayhem at home and abroad. And it’s all because democracy in the US (and elsewhere in the West) is non-existent. The US is a dictatorship. And Mr Obama is too ineffectual (save for the masters) and irrelevant to be even loosely called its dictator.