Eurozone Crackup

“Open Your Eyes: the Euro and Europe are on the Edge of the Precipice” “We believe that the market has now entered a major downtrend. It is a mistake to dismiss the slide we’ve seen…

Israel Launches Bloody Reprisals in Egypt and Gaza

Israel’s aggressive response to a series of suicide and roadside bomb attacks near the Red Sea resort of Eilat on Thursday has exacerbated tensions with both the Palestinians and its neighbour, Egypt. The attacks killed…

Who’s the currency manipulator?

As to currency manipulation, the Fed has manipulated the dollar through near-zero interest rates and lax credit policy. The manipulation of interest rates is an indirect manipulation of exchange rates. The US dollar at one point depreciated from roughly $0.80 against the euro to $1.60 in April 2008. Today, the Fed is again forcing a depreciation of the dollar relative to the yen, euro, and other currencies. Yet, these trading partners have not even made a peep in protest.