Freedom: An Endangered Species in America

Last September, marking the 9/11 tenth anniversary, the ACLU published a report titled, A Call to Courage: Reclaiming Our Liberties Ten Years After 9/11.” Who then could have imagined America engaged in: out-of-control imperial lawlessness;…

Israel’s ‘Mossad, MKO Killed Iranian Scientist’

An Iranian news agency reports that a fourth Iranian nuclear scientist has been assassinated.  Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan was a professor specializing in petroleum engineering at a technical university and director of  Natanz’s uranium enrichment facility.  Mehr…

China – USA: Struggle for Control of Pacific

Asia – Pacific region is attracting the increasing attention of Western politicians against the backdrop of Chinese growing military and economic might. For instance the US influence had been indisputable until recently but today China’s…