Expert: U.S. Preparing Military Action Against Iran

Interview with Gennady Yevstafyev, retired Lieutenant-General of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence ==== We know that in the Gulf there are two flattops surrounded by several dozens of American ships. And yesterday or the day before yesterday…

Bill Introduced To Challenge Authority Of NDAA

Washington lawmakers latest to join chorus of opposition to bill allowing for indefinite detention of U.S. citizens Five Washington state representatives have introduced legislation in an attempt to override provisions the National Defense Authorization Act…

Google to Allow Censorship of Blogger Content

Google quietly revealed earlier this month it will allow censorship in some countries of content on its Blogger service. The move came shortly before Twitter announced it will allow foreign governments to censor specific Tweets. On Jan….

Divining the Truth about Iran

Watching top U.S. intelligence officials present the annual “Worldwide Threat Assessment” before the Senate Intelligence Committee, I found myself wondering if they would depart from the key (if politically delicate) consensus judgment that Iran is…

UN Shenanigans on Syria

“Viscous nasty business” … “aggressive pressure … by US diplomats”, “ferocious pressure on weaker non-permanent members”, the “type of pressure [that] is very, very difficult for weaker countries … to resist.” That’s how a former…

Iran: This Is What Propaganda Looks Like

Alarmist corporate media coverage of the “threat” from Iran is everywhere, thanks to a Senate appearance yesterday by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. But Clapper said very little in his remarks that would justify…

The War Drums of the New York Times

“Israel Vs Iran” reads Sunday’s cover of the New York  Times Magazine– the words written ominously in ashes from which smoke and flame still rise. Inside the magazine, Ronen Bergman a military analyst for the…