Farewell dinners induce more cases of alcohol poisoning during graduation season

Cases of alcohol poisoning among graduating students are on the rise due to frequent celebration dinners during graduation season, Xi’an Evening News reported on June 29.

Four graduating students were sent to the Xi’an-based Shaanxi Provincial People’s Hospital for excessive alcohol consumption on June 24.

“One of them is in a coma; the other three are a little more sober. The students who escorted the four patients to the hospital were distinctly red-faced,” a nurse on duty told reporters.

A junior college graduate was taken to Shanghai-based Changhai Hospital for excessive drinking after he consumed three bottles of rice wine on June 29.

A graduating student in Shanghai, who identified himself as Chen Hao, said that he has dinners almost every day and drinks to excess every time.

A doctor from the emergency department in the People’s Hospital in Xi’an told reporters that heavy drinking causes latent damage to young people’s health.

“It will hurt the liver first and then the stomach,” he added.

Li Zhonglian, the director of the biliary and pancreatic department in Tianjin-based Nankai Hospital, stated that excessive drinking can trigger peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding and even heart and cerebrovascular diseases.

Global Times

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