WHY Can’t Trump Cut a DEAL with DPRK?

The United States and South Korea are currently engaged in large-scale, joint-military war games that simulate an invasion of the North, the destruction of the DPRK’s nuclear weapons sites, and a “decapitation operation” to take out the supreme leader, Kim Jong-un. The objective of the operation is to intensify tensions between North and South thereby justifying the continued US occupation of the peninsula and the permanent division of the country. Imagine if North Korea decided to conduct massive “live fire” military drills, accompanied by a Chinese naval flotilla, just three miles off the coast of California. And, let’s say, they decided to send formations of strategic high-altitude aircraft loaded with nuclear bombs to fly along the Canada and Mexico borders while tens of thousands of combat troops accompanied by hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles rehearsed a “shock and awe” type blitz onto US territory where they would immediately crush the defending army, level cities and critical civilian infrastructure, and topple the regime in Washington.

How To Explain The ‘Two Trumps’

US President Donald Trump appeared to adopt two very different public persona this week, when first he delivered a stern speech announcing a new military strategy toward Afghanistan; and then the next day he regaled…

A Military Junta NOW RULING Washington

Notes On The Junta, An Unnecessary Land-Corridor And A Regular Russian Maneuver According to a 1950s political theory The Structure of Power in American Society is mainly built on three elite groups, the high military, the corporation executives and the political directorate. (The “political directorate” can best be described as the bureaucracy, the CIA and their proxies within Congress.) On election day I noted that only the military had supported The Not-Hillary President. The corporate and executive corners of the triangle had pushed for Hillary Clinton and continued to do so even after Trump had won. (Only recently did the “collusion with Russia” nonsense suddenly die down.) I wrote:

Pentagon Makes A 20-year War Plan, While US/Soros Outsources Its Color Revolution

Trump’s new commitment to continue the war in Afghanistan comes as a shock, after all the Americans had voted to stop Washington’s wars around the world. As a punishment, they are being treated to an artificially created civil conflict, while the deep state continues to use the US infrastructure, financial and human capital and military to pursue its doctrine of perpetual war. Reading from the teleprompter, Trump not only unveiled plans for open-end war, he also promised to stop revealing any future US plans. It makes sense to look at the plans they have revealed so far to see what to expect. After all, we all have witnessed working of the plan revealed by the general Wesley Clark in 2007 to take out seven countries in five years.

Military Industrial Complex Rises to Power?

Trump’s Betrayal is Complete as Military-industrial Complex Rises to Power If one moment stands out as the clearest signal yet of US President Trump turning his back on supporters, it was his announcement this week to re-escalate American military intervention in Afghanistan. His signature campaign promise of putting “America First” and ending the folly of overseas wars launched by previous administrations was shredded on prime time television when he gave orders for thousands of more US troops to be sent to Afghanistan. The already 16-year war in that country – America’s longest – will now go on indefinitely longer. The Huffington Post headlined: “Trump’s vague new Afghanistan strategy continues an endless war.”

ISIS – Always-Always Claims Responsibility

Whenever a terrorist attack hits somewhere in Europe or the world, wait a few hours and the police or media report ISIS / ISIL / Daesh claims responsibility. To enhance credibility, they usually say it…

Hawks Soaring After Bannon’s Departure

His exit is a win for backers of a more traditional — and interventionist — U.S. foreign policy. Stephen Bannon may have been a political adviser to President Donald Trump, but his firing Friday could…

Bannon: Barbarian Goes “Thermonuclear”

“I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents – on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America.” That is what former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, over the…