Same mountain, different values

  A mountain in Central China’s Henan province is witnessing how the local economy has changed the way it develops. Changshoushan, or Longevity Mountain, has been a tourist destination since 2009. Over 200,000 people have…

Animals and 6-Month-Old Infants Are Getting Fatter

Which Means that It’s Something In the Environment Animals Are Getting Fatter, Too … We’ve extensively documented that toxic chemicals in our food, water and air our causing an epidemic of obesity … even in 6 month…

The Politics of Imagined Opinion

Where do you locate yourself on the political spectrum? Are you liberal or conservative? On “the left”, “the right”, or perhaps you’re a bit of both (“moderate”). It is no secret that American mass culture…

Aldous Huxley: “1984” v. Brave New World

In October of 1984, a few months after the release of George Orwell‘s dystopian masterpiece, Nineteen Eighty-Four, he received a fascinating letter from fellow author Aldous Huxley — a man who, 17 years previous, had seen his own nightmarish vision…

Human Rights in Ancient China

The biggest hindrance of the West and the rest of the world in understanding China is the perceived lack of human rights tradition in China. China is an old civilization and a civilization cannot continue…

The sheep look down

“The Sheep Look Up”, John Brunner’s remarkably prescient ‘science fiction’ novel, first published in 1972 concerns the destruction of the entire environment in the US and the rise of a ‘corporately sponsored government’ leading to…