Soros Plays Both Ends in Syria Refugee Chaos

Since John D. Rockefeller was advised to protect his wealth from government taxation by creating a tax-exempt philanthropic foundation in 1913, foundations have been used by American oligarchs to disguise a world of dirty deeds…

Capitalism’s Cult of Human Sacrifice

HOUSTON—Bryan Parras stood in the shadows cast by glaring floodlights ringing the massive white, cylindrical tanks of the Valero oil refinery. He, like many other poor Mexican-Americans who grew up in this part of Houston,…

The West Wants Turkey Out

The downing of Russia’s Su-24 bomber by the Turkish Air Force is “one of the nightmare scenarios that military planners had envisaged as a result of Moscow’s decision to enter the conflict,” reports The Financial Times. In turn, The Washington…

The Crash, Coming into Focus, Hebdo and Much More

To understand events like the crash that killed 224 Russian citizens in Sinai, there are so many misconceptions that have to be addressed. Whatever confusion, betrayal or suffering needs to be addressed, and all three…