The US-led Geopolitical Wars against Syria May Lead to the World War III

The Arab League has announced plans to open talks with the Syrian opposition and cut all diplomatic ties with the Syrian government, aligning itself with the US-led effort to wage war against Damascus. Press TV has interviewed Don De Bar, prominent anti-war activist in New York, about how a covert attack and efforts to force regime change in Syria fits in with American geopolitical aims that has the US ultimately targeting Russian and Chinese military alliances and trade partners. What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview. Press TV: Many different countries seem to be involved in the Syria situation. The Saudi Foreign Minister has said and I quote, “How long will we stay on as onlookers to what is happening to our brotherly Syrian people and how
much longer will we grant the Syrian regime one period after another so it can commit more massacres against its people?”

Iran: The U.S.-led Alliance Has Forgotten the Past

Strait History: Iran’s Options George Santayana wisely said: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Oblivious to history and its lessons, the United States and its Western allies are repeating their…